marcoinenglish’s avatarmarcoinenglish’s Twitter Archive

31,942 tweets

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⬅️ New ⬆️ 🙂
⬇️ 🙁
  1. I am much less active on this account now, in fact it may even go away soon. In the #TwitterMigration context, I am available in the #Fediverse on and am no longer crossposting tweets and toots.
  2. You know what I wish for now that we‘re largely migrating to #Mastodon? A version of theSpringApp for it. Especially for the Mac, there is nothing decent, and all except the native client for iOS only get very irregular updates, if any at all any more. I‘d even pay for it.
  3. I truss the UK is without PM right now?
  4. This thread is pure gold! A fascinating insight! And thanks also for all the image descriptions you put in! I think jensimmons might get a laugh or two out of this, too. ;-) MoritzGiessmann/1582638508774404102
  5. Wishing all who attend a very successful #a11yToConf ! Reminiscing a little about when I had the privilege of visiting this great city and speaking at the conference. Sometimes I actually miss those days.
  6. Yup, because you can put lipstick, powder and paint on it all you want, at the end of the day, every frickin' web "app" you create is nothing more than an HTML document. And screen readers have been made to struggle with this perversion of the web for 15 years or so now. heydonworks/1575748288921235456
  7. I find it cute how the Siri 5 voice in MacOS or iOS can get so excited with certain phrases. Like: What? Thanks! I’m cute, aren't I?
  8. Google... What? Never heard of this thing. 9to5mac/1575523127727165444
  9. I’ll keep my current model. 9to5mac/1575488184318033920
  10. The question is: Is this going to be accessible? I have struggled with the bloatware that is Instagram, too, and will give this a shot. #noxp 9to5mac/1574770287387746305
  11. CW: Selfie, possible eye contact OK, turns out a beard was not for me after all. At two weeks, wearing a mask and the general heightened nerve input became too much to bear sensorically. So I removed it again.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  12. To the blind REAPER users who also use JAWS, has anyone encountered freezing of REAPER after saving a CSV file from the Markers/Regions dialog? Focus doesn't return to the dialog, and REAPER becomes unresponsive.
  13. I recently had another very excellent support exchange with Matt from getpinecast. My wife and I moved our mutual podcast project from a self-hosted WordPress+Podlove system to PineCast and initially had trouble with the 301 redirect. But thanks to Matt, it was resolved quickly.
  14. CW: Selfie, possible eye contact OK, here comes the first glimpse of the change. It is probably not finalized, but by now clearly visible.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  15. Gotta love the English language just for the ability to play with words like this! ❤️ arhayward/1570850697142489089


  1. New blog post: Introducing the #Accessibility Inspector in the #Firefox Developer Tools, #a11y #webdev #FirefoxDevTools
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  2. IE 8, 9 and 10 support ends today! A good day for the web!
  3. Well, look what we have here! 12 years into my working at Mozilla, with a team effort, we now have Official, and the main source for all things Mozilla Accessibility news and commentary, tips and tricks, from now on. #a11y #Mozilla #WebDev
  4. Just blogged: Important information for #NVDASR users and #Firefox 57. Please share widely! Thanks!
  5. New blog post: #NVDA and #Firefox 58 - The team is regaining strength

I’ve retweeted other tweets 7,671 times (24.0%)

Most Retweeted

  1. stevefaulkner 277 retweets
  2. NVAccess 185 retweets
  3. MarcoZehe 140 retweets
  4. LeonieWatson 110 retweets
  5. codepo8 100 retweets
  6. jcsteh 91 retweets
  7. ppatel 89 retweets
  8. karlgroves 88 retweets
  9. vick08 84 retweets
  10. pauljadam 73 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. yatil 8 retweets
  2. jcsteh 7 retweets
  3. karlgroves 7 retweets
  4. NVAccess 6 retweets
  5. DerekRiemer 6 retweets
  6. redcrew 6 retweets
  7. FreedomSci 5 retweets
  8. zersiax 5 retweets
  9. TheQuinbox 5 retweets
  10. Sommer 5 retweets

Replies and Mentions

57.7% of my tweets are replies (×18,445)

Most Replies To

  1. MarcoInEnglish 859 replies
  2. ppatel 744 replies
  3. jcsteh 625 replies
  4. KaraLG84 485 replies
  5. fitzpatrickd 459 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. MarcoInEnglish 108 replies
  2. KaraLG84 18 replies
  3. SoapyMargherita 16 replies
  4. TheQuinbox 14 replies
  5. jcsteh 14 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 247 times (0.8%)

50.4% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (2,435 of 4,835)

97.4% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (111 of 114)

Top Domains

  1. twitter.undefined 965 tweets
  2. marcozehe.undefined 270 tweets
  3. mozilla.undefined 249 tweets
  4. bit.undefined 193 tweets
  5. youtube.undefined 125 tweets
  6. github.undefined 83 tweets
  7. apple.undefined 78 tweets
  8. twishort.undefined 62 tweets
  9. bugzil.undefined 62 tweets
  10. w3.undefined 61 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. 948 tweets
  2. 218 tweets
  3. 193 tweets
  4. 121 tweets
  5. 82 tweets
  6. 75 tweets
  7. 62 tweets
  8. 62 tweets
  9. 60 tweets
  10. 59 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 12,928 retweets and ❤️ 19,030 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 😉 used 76 times on 69 tweets
  2. ❤️ used 49 times on 37 tweets
  3. 😂 used 30 times on 26 tweets
  4. ☺️ used 21 times on 21 tweets
  5. 😃 used 16 times on 16 tweets

95 unique emoji on 359 tweets (1.5% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. a11y used 563 times
  2. firefox used 116 times
  3. android used 88 times
  4. accessibility used 78 times
  5. webdev used 60 times

2,369 hashtags on 2,367 tweets (9.8% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. h_ll used 80 times
  2. s_it used 44 times
  3. d_mn used 42 times on 41 tweets
  4. f_cking used 36 times
  5. b_llshit used 20 times

322 swear words on 318 tweets (1.3% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets